FastShell, fiercely quick front-end boilerplate and workflows
FastShell Nightly build, inspired by FireShell
The opinionated FastShell framework. Built for the modern developer. For teams and the individual, encouraging a better workflow. JavaScript task running, build processes, autominification and file concatenation, wrapped with an enhanced HTML5 boilerplated framework.
HTML5 Boilerplated
A cutting edge take on the HTML5 boilerplate with some HTML5 semantics and WAI-ARIA roles for baseline semantic markup and web accessibility.
Sass OOCSS setup
CSS structure for small projects and scaling big, a fantastic setup to get your Object-Orientated CSS scaling. Ships with fully adaptive folder hierarchies.
Compiling Sass/SCSS, concatenating JavaScript files, connecting to a localhost server and live file reloads and injection. Auto-minification for production.
Top Features
- HTML5 framework, WAI-ARIA roles and HTML5 semantics
- Baseline HTML5 features, DNS prefetching, responsive meta
- Encourages one-file CSS/JS in the view (HTML) for performance
- Includes jQuery CDN and relative fallback
- Includes Modernizr and HTML5 Shiv
- Includes normalize.css
- Google Universal Analytics snippet
- Open source workflow with Gulpjs running on Node.js
- Automatic Gulp dependency installation, directory relocation and gulp tasks
- Dynamically appended copyright for JS/CSS
- Livereloading the browser and file injection upon changes with BrowserSync
- Annotated Gulpfile.js for extending
- Built-in build script for auto-minification of CSS and JavaScript files for production
- Pre-setup Sass/SCSS files and folders for baseline project structure and imports
- Includes .editorconfig for consistent coding styles in IDEs
- Standard .gitignore to ignore minified files and standard ignorables such as .DS_Store
- JSHint .jshintrc file for configuring JavaScript linting
- No superfluous code comments